Actually the. Grateful Good I’m Not Short I’m Just More Down To Earth Than Most People Shirt hired them. The Dead and other Bay Area groups set up the free concert. Was supposed to be unannounced, as were all of the. Bay Area free shows put on at the time…. except Jagger let it slip on the east coast. Went from a small pop-up free show for people in the area to a massive concert. I think the original location was golden gate park but they had to move it to Altamont when they realized 100,000+ would show up. The drunken Hells Angels began hurling full cans of beer from their stockpile and striking concertgoers with motorcycle chains and sawed-off, weighted pool cues to drive the crowd back from the stage.
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The book Good I’m Not Short I’m Just More Down To Earth Than Most People Shirt: The Rolling Stones. The Hells Angels and the Inside Story of Rock’s Darkest Day is worth reading to understand how incredibly fucked up that incident was, how it was essentially all. Mick Jagger’s fault and put a close to the Age of Aquarius. There is a book called “Altamont” that goes into great detail explains the series of events that preceded the concert. The Altamont Raceway is “just up the road” from me so I’ve always been fascinated by the event. Hiring the Hells Angels wasn’t exactly and out of nowhere decision. They had a long history of working Dead concerts in Golden Gate Park. Long story, good book.
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This is going to Good I’m Not Short I’m Just More Down To Earth Than Most People Shirt lost in the comments. When I went post-prom camping (yes that was and maybe still is a thing), our campground had a massive sign that said: “We Don’t Call The Cops”. I was curious as to what that was about and asked the dude who ran the place. With a smile, he pointed at the 20 or so bikers sitting at one of the tables and he explained that should an issue arise, these guys sort it all out. There were no issues that arose for the two nights I was there. Except for the guy that got drunk and tattooed a penis on his butt. Then he sobered up and cried for the house because he tattooed a penis on his butt. I actually heard about this from my mother who was married to a hells angel san Fransisco chater at the time. She had a different take on things. But I generally try and find out what I can and make my own decisions.
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