To be frank, I don’t like the precedence being set that an American Flag Resistance 4 Is Not Future Shirt few idiots can disrupt the proceedings. And work of our Congress and that our federal government would rather retreat into a hidey-hole instead of just telling the security apparatus. We’ve spent billions upon billions on to stand its fucking ground and make quick work of the dumbest group of degenerates imaginable. If this is how things are going to work then let’s stop wasting our taxes paying for Capitol Police entirely and tell Congress to meet via zoom from here on out. Tear down the Capitol building if it’s too much of a hassle to protect. Ridiculous that the House is bowing to this.
American Flag Resistance 4 Is Not Future Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
I can see both sides of this American Flag Resistance 4 Is Not Future Shirt (conflict avoidance vs persevering regardless). But I think I’m more leaning in your direction right now. Like, whatever happened to “we do not negotiate with terrorists”? I’m not usually on the side of reckless bravado. But if ever there was a time to signal. “You cannot intimidate the legally elected government from operating”. Now is the time to make that painfully clear, even at the expense of insurrectionists’/Qultists’ lives. As often as this has been repeated, it has never been based on reality other than deflection. Negotiating with terrorists has always been super popular. This is exactly what these idiots have done. Disrupted (unironically, that word “disrupt” was in facebook’s original business strategies). And forced a constitutional body to close for the day.
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