Idk if this Cute I Like Big Books And I Cannot Lie Owl Shirt is just me, but I’m honestly really disgusted by all the jokes and memes I’m seeing on Twitter. I wasn’t a big fan of Phillip, and by no means am I saying that anyone should express mourning or sadness at his death. I know I’m not going to be posting ‘RIP’ or ‘fly high’ or anything like that. But do people really have to make such crass jokes about it? The man’s not even cold yet. I wonder how these people would feel if their grandfather died and everyone was joking about it. It just doesn’t sit well with me. You can say you didn’t like him and won’t be mourning as much as you’d like and I’ll agree with you.
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I just don’t think jokes are funny Cute I Like Big Books And I Cannot Lie Owl Shirt or appropriate right now. How can people be so dense? “Hurr Durr he wasn’t even that special why is he being mourned”. Like him or hate him, everyone on the British Isles knows who he is. Your parents and grandparents all grew up with him. He was a public figure for 65 years. Of course, there’s going to be news everywhere reporting on him when he dies. Shocking news really, purely on the basis for most people alive in Britain at the moment, we were all born with him being a very prominent part of public life, no matter whether you love or loathe the royals.
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