They’re conflating respect with When God Made Daughters He Gave Me The Best Shirt authority. Basically saying “if you don’t treat me as an authority, I won’t treat you like a person.” And it’s time we stood up and said enough. I’m tired of it and I haven’t let a boomer treat me that way in a long time. They actually respect you more when you challenge them. It’s weird. I had a Karen boomer in my hotel just this week who demanded to speak to the manager when She couldn’t produce an ID to check in with. Upon informing her that it was my hotel she completely refused to believe it and refused to leave. Police escorted her off the property and served her a trespass notice. She still keeps calling refusing to believe there is no higher manager for her to talk to.
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This has to be the When God Made Daughters He Gave Me The Best Shirt greatest sense of entitlement I’ve seen to date. “Respect your elders” was easy for them. Their elders were the Greatest Generation. Those fuckers deserved respect. They had it tough and they scrimped and saved and built all the shit boomers took for granted. Now they think they get to be on the receiving end despite not maintaining or improving any of the stuff the GG left them. And they seem clueless about who’s now scrimping and saving as a result. It’s like any rags-to-riches-to-rags story. There’s always a generation that gets it handed to them and then acts like perpetual children. Ab Fab had this exactly right.
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