But they have little sympathy for Official American Flag Warning Neanderthal 7 Thinking Shirt David Cameron. Who is seen as having brought isolation on himself? And blamed for weakening common institutions and thus reducing the power of smaller states? Another priority which the Central Europeans share with the UK is economic growth. And a wish to rebalance Germany’s one-sided insistence on fiscal austerity with measures to boost the European economies. At the Central European strategy forum, some think-tank participants argued that governments in the region should join forces with London to launch a drive to cut red tape and expand the EU’s single market into new realms such as services and the digital economy. The UK had proposed similar measures a few months ago, to little avail.
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A new joint initiative, in Official American Flag Warning Neanderthal 7 Thinking Shirt addition to boosting growth, would have the added benefit of underlining. That decisions on issues such as single market, labor standards, and tax rates are for the 27 to decide, not the core. But the government officials present at the event showed little interest in the idea. Privately, they say that Britain has become toxic by association; that ideas which it sponsors will be resisted on principle, not on merit. And for governments that share London’s liberal view on the economy, that is a depressing conclusion. Much has made of the scale of Germany’s rebound in the second quarter of 2010. But it needs to be placed in context. Germany resembles a bungee jumper in the spring-back phase.
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