It took me a Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Graduated From North Dakota Shirt three. Reads to figure out this comment/exchange. I was actually like, hmm, I wonder what this person means, these mysterious waffle exchange places– oh. I wish I could have recorded and posted my laugh. And that man is now competing with you in the fish market, cutting your sales in half. Instead, convince that man that fishing is very hard and he should pay you a premium price for your ability to catch the rare and elusive haddock. This is the competitive mindset, more progress is made with the opportunity mindset, both individually and socially. Teach the man to fish, then sell him all his equipment.
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Printing at 0.1mm Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Graduated From North Dakota Shirt thickness. Lowering his acceleration settings to reduce jerkiness, dropping the print speed, using an enclosure around his whole 3d printer, controlling the temperature in that enclosure, printing in PLA, upgrading his stepper motors with dampeners, upgrading from belts to linear rails, etc…. This is a fuckin rabbit hole that is easy to fall down. Not with layer thickness op is using, the printer op is using, and the PLA medium op is using. There are a lot of settings that you can play with using open source programs to slice your model, some of which can produce fantastically smooth results.
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