Side note that has nothing to do with these Do Not Judge What You Do Not Understand Shirt taxes. But if you want a really good look at why people act this way, check out Rolf Dobelli’s book “The Art of Thinking Clearly”. There’s an entire chapter of that book called “Chauffeur Knowledge“. Which outlines how most people simply parrot back things they hear regarding topics. That they know little to nothing about in an attempt to sound like they know what they are talking about… It becomes clear to an expert on the matter. That they know absolutely fuck all with just a few questions, thankfully.
Do Not Judge What You Do Not Understand Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
But that doesn’t stop Reddit from Do Not Judge What You Do Not Understand Shirt Reddit… I’m tired of pretending that anyone who wants to tax billionaires on their total net worth increase is somehow uninformed or naive as if the entire billionaire class doesn’t shift all of their assets into this exact structure to avoid paying taxes. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone paid their fair share of taxes. And the federal government stopped wasting money on things states should be doing or foreign counties? I’ll never forgive them for the gender studies in Pakistan attached to the budget.
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